For almost 30 years, I’ve been building my life’s portfolio in all types of creative ways. I attended art school in Florence, Italy where I studied oil painting and Italian architecture. I then returned home to The States and began my career at a start-up design firm specializing in custom apparel. Lost Angeles was always my dream, so I made the move to work for the GRAMMY Awards in 2016. I haven't looked back since.

Over the last seven years of my career, I've worked on numerous marketing decks, design projects, and global campaigns. My experience in digital marketing strengthened my skillsets: art, strategy, and marketing. I am a one-stop-shop in the marketing space.


Founded in 1992

What you’re about to read may be graphic. Or rather, may be more suited for someone graphically inclined. I was the kid who re-organized our communal, classroom Crayola boxes into color gradients by row. I’d happily risk my recess time on the rare occasions our teacher ordered the 96-pack (yes, with the sharpener on the back). In middle school, my dad took me to the driving range where I made sure to pick all the weeds between each cement crack because it was simply “not a good look for their brand”.

The arts were always a strong part of my life. I elected to take art all four years of high school, along with orchestra...and braces.

I eventually made it through high school…after winning the spelling bee three years in a row, setting the school record for memorized decimal integers of pi, and earning a spot in the congressional art competition by submitting an oil painting of my face (which I later gave to my dad—you know, for all those failed attempts at getting me to golf).

my experience

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$89 / per hour


$500 min.
